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Notification: At least one computer has not connected for more than 14 days - Kennisbank / Legacy / ESET Security Management Center - ESET Tech Center

Notification: At least one computer has not connected for more than 14 days

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When using the default notification in ESMC/ESET PROTECT:  At least one computer has not connected for more than 14 days, you are not able to enrich the subject and or body with variables . (e.g. Computer name, Static group name and the last connected timestamp)

This is by design for the following notification Event: Server status changes.


You can create the following workaround using the scheduled report functionality:

  1. Create a new report in ESMC/ESET PROTECT.

  2. Give the new report a logical name.
  3.  Set the Display table checkmark.

  4. Add at least the following table columns.

  5. Set the following filter.

  6. Now create a schedule for the newly created report.

  7. Set your preffered scheduling options.

  8. In the delivery section, make sure "Send email if report is empty "is unchecked.

Now you will receive a report via email with computer(s) which are not connected for more than 14 days. If there are no computers matching the criteria no report/email is send.


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