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Opt-out from auto-updates in the latest version of ESET PROTECT and ESET PROTECT Cloud - Kennisbank / ESET PROTECT - ESET Tech Center

Opt-out from auto-updates in the latest version of ESET PROTECT and ESET PROTECT Cloud

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  • Create a new policy to opt-out from auto-updates


See the ESET business products that support auto-updates.

  1. Open the ESET PROTECT or ESET PROTECT Cloud Web Console in your web browser and log in.

  2. Click Policies New policy.

  3. Type a name for the new policy to the Name field. The Description field is optional.
  4. Click Settings and click the grey radio button next to the Auto-updates. The radio button will turn blue and the setting will be set by this policy.
  5. Click Assign Assign.
  6. Select the check boxes next to each static or dynamic group that you want this policy assigned to and click OK.
  7. Click Finish to save your policy. Your policy settings will be applied to the target groups or client computers.

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