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Requirements for remote deployment of ESET Management Agent to Windows targets from ESET PROTECT - Kennisbank / ESET PROTECT - ESET Tech Center

Requirements for remote deployment of ESET Management Agent to Windows targets from ESET PROTECT

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  • Remote deployment of ESET Management Agent to Windows targets fails or hang at "In Progress"


For more information on Agent deployment failure, refer to:

ESET PROTECT allows remote deployment of ESET Management Agent from the ESET PROTECT Web Console to any workstation on the network.

The steps in this document describe the main requirements for remote deployment of ESET Management Agent to Windows targets. We strongly recommend that you verify each of the tasks below before performing the first installation of ESET Management Agent on client workstations:

  • The client workstation where you are trying to install the ESET client solution remotely must answer a ping from the computer where the ESET PROTECT Server is installed.
  • If both the client workstation and the server are in a mixed environment of Domain and Work Group, disable the Simple File Sharing:
    In File Explorer, click View Options Change folder and search options View → unselect the check box next to Use Sharing Wizard option.
  • Workstation must have the ADMIN$ shared resource activated:
    Start → Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Computer Management → Shared Folders → Shares).
  • The user performing the remote installation must have Administrator rights.
  • Set the Domain Admininistrator permissions for ESET PROTECT Server service:
    •  On the ESET PROTECT Server machine, click Start → type Services.msc and press ENTER. Right-click the ESET PROTECT Server service and click Properties from the context menu.
    •  Click Log On, and select This account and enter your domain name and administrator account name next to it (for example MyDomain\AdministratorAccountName). Enter administrator password in the Password and Confirm password fields.
    •  Run the ESET PROTECT Server service with Domain Administrator permissions.
  • The user with administrator rights must not have a blank password.
  • Verify that you can remotely log in to the workstation from the server.
  • Verify that you can access the workstation IPC from the Server machine by issuing the following from the Command Prompt on the Server machine:
    • net use \\workstation\IPC$       where workstation is the name of the workstation
  • The firewall on the network must not block communication or file sharing between ESET PROTECT Server and the workstation.
  • The ESET PROTECT Server must allow network traffic on port 2222.
  • Client workstations are visible in both the server and the workstation connection.
  • The File and Print Sharing for Microsoft Networks option is enabled on the workstation:
    Control Panel → Network and Sharing Center → Change adapter settings → right-click the network adapter → Properties).
  • The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service is running on the workstation.
  • The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator service should be set to Manual and should not be running.
  • The Remote Registry service is running on the workstation.

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