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Release announcement: Server Security for Linux 10.0 - Nieuws / Releases - ESET Tech Center

jul 18 2023

Release announcement: Server Security for Linux 10.0

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This major release includes new features such as new product installer, support of distributions Alma Linux 9 and Debian 12, new Detection level settings, ESET Bridge support, or other multiple other minor additions and improvements. 


  • NEW: New product installer with minimal modules

  • NEW: Scanning of kernel modules

  • NEW: Detection level settings in Real-Time & Machine Learning protection

  • NEW: Support of Debian 12

  • NEW: Support of Alma Linux 9

  • NEW: GUI password change 

  • NEW: Custom tmp directory for ESET services

  • NEW: ESET Bridge support

  • NEW: Ukrainian localization

  • IMPROVED: On-access scan improvements

  • IMPROVED: GUI rendering performance 

  • FIXED: Product does not reconnect to ESET LiveGuard servers after network connection outage

  • FIXED: The association request contains incorrect seatname during activation phase

  • REMOVED: Support of SLES 12

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Builds are available on the official web or repository.​​ 

Please note that this release affects support levels of these formerly released versions:
VersionCurrent StatusFull SupportLimited Support
9.1Full SupportUntil July 31, 2024Until July 31, 2026
9.0Limited SupportEndedUntil July 31, 2024

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