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Description of Enterprise Server v2.7 Interface Changes - Kennisbank / ESET Endpoint Encryption - ESET Tech Center

Description of Enterprise Server v2.7 Interface Changes

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If you have upgraded from a previous Enterprise Server, there are several changes you will notice about the layout of the Enterprise Server. This article is designed to highlight the major changes to avoid any confusion about information which has moved and which might otherwise be thought to be missing.

Top Navigation Bar

The top navigation bar in the Enterprise Server version 2.6.2 was always fully visible. In addition it the "Switch Organisation" interface, and the organisation search bar were always below.


In the Enterprise Server version 2.7.0, the navigation bar is much smaller by default, and only contains the organisation search bar within it.

If the user hovers over the icon on the far right, or clicks it, the bar expand to provide the additional functionality.

Switch Organisation

In 2.6.2 the "Switch Organisation" button was dual purpose and acted both as a drop down menu of the most recently used organisations (MRU) if the user clicked the down arrow, or a button to access all the organisations, if the user clicked the text. Some users did not find it obvious that the interface acted in both ways and encountered problems when they created more than 5 organisations.

In 2.7.0 the "Switch Organisation" button has been improved, and it should be more clear how to access organisations in addition to the ones listed in the MRU. The MRU still contains a maximum of 5 organisations.

Client Installs

DESlock+ client install software has moved. In 2.6.2 the client installs were accessible from the organisation root.

In Enterprise Server 2.7.0 client installs have been merged with network workstations so both methods of deployment are available from the same location.


Alerts and Events

Enterprise Server version 2.6.2 contained Alerts at various levels, including the team level as well as the user and workstation level. Also a popup might appear for many alerts, even if they did not relate to user (i.e. if some other admin was using the Enterprise Server at the same time.) 

Enterprise Server version 2.7.0 replaces "Alerts" with "Events". The primary reason for the change was so they can be localised to the appropriate language of the login viewing the event. However we have made some improvements to the behaviour also.


By default, all events for the organisation can be found at the top of the organisation node. This list is richly filterable, and can be filtered to a much greater extent than Alerts could be.

In addition to the organistion list, Events can be viewed via the User or Workstation card and are implicitly filtered for that user or workstation. However Events cannot be viewed on a Team level so this panel will be not be seen.

Because of the improved context in Events, Admins should no longer see the popup appear for Events unrelated to them.

Finally, all unfiltered Events can be viewed in the control panel. In this view you can filter errors across multiple organisations, or not related to any organisation at all.

Events that are not related to any organisation might include authentication events for the Enterprise Server. Here you can see both failed and successful authentication events, including the host that made the attempt.

Time Display

In Enterprise Server version 2.6.2 (and earlier), all times were displayed in UTC because all times in the database are stored as UTC. This caused confusion for users in other time zones, and when daylight savings was in effect.

In Enterprise Server version 2.7.0 (and later), there is a new control panel setting for each login that can control how times are formatted.

There are three options.

  • UTC - all times will be displayed in UTC (behaviour of 2.6.2 and earlier)
  • Enterprise Server Time - all times are formatted based on the timezone of the machine running the Enterprise Server service (this is the default setting)
  • Local Time - all times are formatted based on the timezone reported by the browser access the Enterprise Server. If you are accessing the browser using "localhost" then this value will always be identical to the Enterprise Server Time. But it is useful for people access the Enterprise Server remotely.

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