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I receive the error "Virus signature database update failed" in ESET Endpoint Security/ESET Endpoint Antivirus updating from a global server (5.x) - Kennisbank / Legacy / Legacy ESET Remote Administrator (6.x / 5.x / 4.x) / 5.x - ESET Tech Center

I receive the error "Virus signature database update failed" in ESET Endpoint Security/ESET Endpoint Antivirus updating from a global server (5.x)

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  • You receive the error message “Virus signature database update failed”



Upgrade to the latest version

Many of the issues you might be experiencing with your ESET product have been resolved in the latest version. We highly recommend that you upgrade to the latest version:



Business users with client workstations updating from global servers – To resolve this issue, use ESET Remote Administrator to set client workstations to download updates from a different update server. You can do this using one of the following methods below depending on your network configuration:

Method 1:  Server Policy

  1. Open the ESET Remote Administrator Console (ERAC) by clicking Start → All Programs → ESET → ESET Remote Administrator Console → ESET Remote Administrator Console.
  2. Click Tools → Policy Manager, select Server Policy (your server’s name) and click Edit…
  3. In ESET Configuration Editor expand Windows desktop v5 → Update → Profile (My profile) → Settings.
  4. Click Update server and make a note of the contents of the Value field, you will need to revert back to this original setting later.
  5. Select Custom update server from the Value drop-down menu. Type into the Value field.

Figure 1-1
Click the image to view larger in new window

  1. Click Console to close the Configuration Editor. You will be prompted to save your changes, click Yes and then OK to exit Policy Manager.
  2. Once client workstations can successfully receive updates, repeat steps 1-3, click Update server, and change the Value field to its original setting which you noted in step 4.
  3. Click Console to close the Configuration Editor. You will be prompted to save your changes, click Yes and then OK to exit Policy Manager.

Method 2: Configuration task

  1. Open the ESET Remote Administrator Console (ERAC) by clicking Start → All Programs → ESET → ESET Remote Administrator Console → ESET Remote Administrator Console.
  2. Click File → New Task, select Configuration task and then click OK.
  3. In the Configuration for Clients window, click Create.
    • These steps describe how to create a new configuration file. You can also use an already created configuration file by clicking Select... in the Configuration for Clients window, navigating to this configuration and clicking Edit.

  4. In ESET Configuration Editor expand Windows desktop v5 → Update → Profile (My profile) → Settings.
  5. Click Update server and make a note of the contents of the Value field, you will need to revert back to this original setting later.
  6. Select Custom update server from the Value drop-down menu. Type into the Value field.

Figure 1-2
Click the Image to view larger in new window

  1. Click Console to close the Configuration Editor. You will be prompted to save your changes, click Yes and select the location to save the newly created configuration file to.
  2. In the Configuration for Clients window click Select..., navigate to the configuration file you just saved and then Click Next.
  3. In the Select Clients window, select the client or groups to which you want to apply the Configuration task and click Next.
  4. Define when the task should be applied and click Finish.
  5. Once client workstations can successfully receive updates, repeat steps 1-4, click Update server, and change the Value field to its original setting which you noted in step 5.
  6. Click Console to close the Configuration Editor. You will be prompted to save your changes, click Yes and select the location to save the newly created configuration file to.
  7. In the Configuration for Clients window click Select..., navigate to the configuration file you just saved and then Click Next.
  8. In the Select Clients window, select the same client or groups you did in step 9 and click Next.
  9. Define when the task should be applied and click Finish.



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