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Install ESMC 7.0 on Windows Server 2016 Core - Kennisbank / Legacy / ESET Security Management Center - ESET Tech Center

Install ESMC 7.0 on Windows Server 2016 Core

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User needs to install:

  1. ESMC prerequisites on Windows Server 2016 Core.
  2. ESMC 7.0 on Windows Server 2016 Core.
  3. ESMC Web Console on a separate machine.



I. Install ESMC prerequisites: .NET v3.5 and .NET v2.0 SP2

  1. Log in to your Windows Server Core as Administrator.
  2. Run PowerShell using the command:

  3. Install the .NET framework using the command:

    Install-WindowsFeature Net-Framework-Core

II. Get the ESMC installer

Get the installer on to your Server Core machine. For example:

  1. Download the 64-bit All-in-one Installer from the ESET web page on another machine.
  2. Create a shared folder on that machine and move the installer in to that folder.
  3. Connect the shared directory to your Windows Server Core machine when logged in as Administrator using the commands:

    net use x: \\\sharedfolder /user:Username PasswordAsPlainText

    Change the parameters in the command to match your configuration:

    - drive letter of the new drive - IP address of the machine where the shared folder is located
    sharedfolder - name of the folder which is shared
    Username - username for the machine whe is the shared folder located
    PasswordAsPlainText - password tor the Username entered as plain text
  4. After the folder is connected, copy the installer to a local folder.

    copy x:\ c:\installer\
  5. Extract the archive.

    Expand-Archive c:\installer\ c:\installer\x64

III. Run the ESMC installer

Once the installer is prepared and the prerequisites are installed, you can run the ESMC installer.

  1. Log in as Administrator and run PowerShell:

  2. Run the ESMC All-in-one Installer from the folder where it was extracted:

  3. Continue with installation as described in our Knowledgebase article. In the step 6 of the article deselect the Web Console. It has to be installed and configured separately on an another machine.

IV. Installation and configuration of the Web Console

After the ESMC Server is installed, you need to install the Web Console to control the Server. Install the Web Console on a different machine where Java can be installed (it can be a Linux or Windows machine). Click the appropriate link below to view installation instructions: 

After the Web Console is installed, it must be configured to connect to ESMC Server. By default, it is listening on localhost.

  • Configuration of Web Console on a Windows system:

  1. Stop the Apache Tomcat service. Navigate to Start  Apache TomcatConfigure Tomcat and click Stop.

  2. Run Notepad as an Administrator and edit the file:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\era\WEB-INF\classes\sk\eset\era\g2webconsole\server\modules\config\

  3. Find the line:


  4. Replace localhost with the IP address of your ESMC Server and save the file.

  5. Start the Apache Tomcat service. Navigate to Start  > Apache TomcatConfigure Tomcat and click Start.

  6. Open ESMC Web Console in your browser: http://localhost:8080/era/ and a login screen will display. To connect from another PC, replace localhost with the IP address of the machine where the Web Console is installed.

  • Configuration of Web Console on Linux system:

  1. Log in as root or use the sudo command for the following commands.
  2. Stop the Apache Tomcat service. For example:

    service tomcat7 stop (CentOS Linux) 
  3. Use a text editor to open the Web Console configuration file

    nano /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/era/WEB-INF/classes/sk/eset/era/g2webconsole/server/modules/config/
  4. Find the line:

  5. Replace localhost with the IP address of your ESMC Server and save the file.
  6. Start Apache Tomcat service.

    service tomcat7 start (CentOS Linux)

KB Solution ID: KB6751 |Document ID: 25520|Last Revised: August 16, 2018

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