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Proxy sync is misconfigured and needs attention - Kennisbank / ESET Endpoint Encryption - ESET Tech Center

Proxy sync is misconfigured and needs attention

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If you see this error, then it means it is likely an attempt has been made to manually reconfigure the Enterprise Server, and the new configuration is not correct.

In technical terms it means the DESlock+ Proxy ID in use by the Enterprise Server is different to the Proxy ID being supplied to client workstations. If this problem is not addressed then it will not be possible to activate workstations supplied with this configuration, nor post updates to existing workstation that are not using the same Proxy ID as the server is now using.

Please ensure you use the same Proxy ID on both the client workstation and within the Enterprise Server.


Enterprise Server Configuration

The Enterprise Server uses a value for the Proxy ID called "CompanyKey" stored in the registry:

32-bit machines:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\DESlock\Enterprise Server\DlpAdm\Config

64-bit machines:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\DESlock\Enterprise Server\DlpAdm\Config 

Client Configuration

The client value is retrieved from the Enterprise Server from the config.cfg file as "ClientProxyCompanyUID". This is also the value that can be seen in the Enterprise Server control panel as "DESlock+ Proxy ID", under "Enterprise Server Account Settings" in the Settings section.

This is translated to a registry key on the client of "DeploymentCompanyUID" stored in the registry:

32-bit machines:


64-bit machines:


keywords: proxy, sync, misconfigured

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