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Why doesn't DESlock+ automatically upgrade? - Kennisbank / ESET Endpoint Encryption - ESET Tech Center

Why doesn't DESlock+ automatically upgrade?

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You received an email, news post or support ticket update about a new version of DESlock+ being released, but either clients do not automatically update or the new version is not shown in the Enterprise Server automatic update policy.



Occasionally, we withold the newly released install so it's only available for manual updates and new installations.

This is deliberate and the new install is normally made available via the Updater approximately 1 to 2 weeks after it is released.



For Standalone versions of DESlock+, you should download the MSI and manually run the install, or wait for the install to become available via the Updater system. 

For Managed versions of DESlock+, you can follow either method 1 or method 3 of KB203 : How to upgrade DESlock+ (managed), or wait for the install to become available and follow method 2. 

Keywords: update, updater, new version, release, newsletter

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