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ESA 2.7.31 - Nieuws / Releases / Servicing release - ESET Tech Center

Jul 4 2018

ESA 2.7.31

Authors list

Release notes:


  • Main focus of this hotfix release is to address identified issues with slow loading of users in the web console and inability to access MMC/ADUC when 2FA for web console was turned on on the user level. 
  • Some of the hotfix topics were approached holistically which resulted in new features we are bringing with this release, especially ability to whitelist IP addresses for specific components. From now on, users are able to define different whitelisting rules for each of the components types (e.g. features).
  • Link to updated documentation
  • We recommend update to this version





  • Added: Whitelist IP per feature
  • Added: Switch off Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Web Console
  • Improved: Load time for users in the Web Console
  • Fixed: Imported hard tokens with missing expiration dates cause network request failure
  • Fixed: Different keyboard layouts cause issues with YubiKey
  • Fixed: Users with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) unable to mount SharePoint folders (map network drive)
  • Fixed: Various bugs and improvements

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